Let Me Explain…

Oh, it’s that time of year again. Samhain is almost upon us and what better way to start the season off than by explaining how I personally feel about Gods and Goddesses.

What sparked this you might say? Well, someone on a message board I’m on said “Wiccans worship many Gods and Goddesses.” Okay. On the surface there’s nothing wrong with this. At face value it is true. Is it ACTUALLY true? In my experience? Not even close.

See I don’t worship, bow down to, or in any other way feel inferior to the Gods and Goddesses that I work with on a regular basis. I am not afraid of them. I respect them and they respect me. It is a mutual partnership that benefits both parties.

It doesn’t work the way most Christians view their relationship to God where it involves a lot of I’M NOT WORTHY. No, screw that. You are worthy. I’m worthy. They’re worthy of you. Oh, there’s a novel thought. A “supreme being” being worthy of YOUR time and YOUR respect. It goes both ways.

In my belief system – and more directly in my personal opinion – the Gods and Goddesses are part of us and we are part of them. There is no separation. What you find in them you will find within yourself and vice versa. We are a piece of that divine spark walking around every day, experiencing life from so many different angles and perspectives. It’s beautiful when you think about it. Each of us is a God or Goddess just experiencing life from our own personal angle. That to me is one of the most amazing things about life. We’re all connected and science has proven this. There’s a web that connects us to everything – each other, the universe..etc.- and we’re even made up of space dust. Seriously. There’s divinity right there.

I’m starting to ramble so I will stop. Don’t bow down and worship the Gods. Worship each other. Respect each other. Respect your connection to each other, the world, and the universe. That’s all you really need. ❤

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